After previously posting that we thought the PBT (paper-based official TOEFL) had disappeared in Mexico (based on the fact that none were being scheduled, ETS said none were planned at the moment for 2010/11, and the ETS web site says "...PBT is available where iBT is not)....We are very pleased to announce that new tests have been planned for Mexico City!
It appears right now that exams will be planned only for Mexico D.F. (unlike previous years), but there are six PBT's now available for registration. We think this is important because the exam (and the preparation) is a bit easier--and there's no Speaking section, which is hard for some. Nearly all universities that require official TOEFL (yes, there are a few exceptions now) will accept either iBT or PBT. To register go to, where you can choose your date, make your payment, and reserve your place before the tests are full! (You reserve for iBT dates at the same site).
The new PBT dates are: Aug. 14, Oct. 16, Nov. 13 (2010),
Jan. 15, Mar. 04, and May 07 (2011)
To prepare for this course, contact us for options--you can take the same course for PBT and ITP (Institutional, which we apply)