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Monday, May 11, 2015

International Student Day is Wed.!

Miércoles 13 de mayo

Plan to study abroad? You are invited to join CollegeWeekLive's International Students Day. Supported by EducationUSA, this free online event is your chance to text or video chat directly with 100+ universities. You will also be able to get personal advice from EducationUSA and other education experts.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

TOEFL Talks! Useful info. for students planning to take the iBT...

Dear TOEFL iBT Candidate,

Get advice on the TOEFL® test, how to prepare and register, and ask an expert any questions you may have!

Register for our TOEFL iBT Talks in English! Our next TOEFL Talk will take place on May 6.

Click here to register!

(... or click on each topic title below to register.) 

Here are our next seven dates. Please add them to your calendar and don't forget to forward to anyone who may be interested in improving their English language skills:

Date                 Time                 Topic

May 06                  9:00 am        TOEFL iBT General Info
May 12                  5:00 pm      Improving your Reading Skills
May 20                  9:00 am      Improving your Listening Skills
May 26                  5:00 pm      Improving your Speaking Skills
June 03                9:00 am      Improving your Writing Skills
June 09                5:00 pm      Common Mistakes by Spanish Speakers 1
June 17                9:00 am      Common Mistakes by Spanish Speakers 2